Don’t share your card details with unverified representatives. For example, if you receive an unsolicited email or phone call from what you believe is not a reputable institution or if you didn’t initiate the phone call or email, don’t give out your details.
Always keep your card information safe.
Be scam safe: Under no circumstances should you give your password to anyone. We won't ask for it, nor should any legitimate third-party.
Be scam safe: If you receive a call from us, unless you initiated it, it's probably not us. Ask to give us a call back, then ring the number, or send an email to the contact details on our site.
Log out when leaving this site.
Stay alert and look out for a sense of urgency when asked to make a payment or an action to update/provide your personal information.
Be scam safe: Be highly cautious when clicking on hyperlinks sent via email, SMS, and social media, especially from an untrusted source. Never enter your username or password on a link that you have been sent.
Always visit this site by entering the URL directly into your web browser.
Don’t post photos of your card anywhere, even if it is partially obscured.
Be scam safe: Always use One Time Passcode (OTP) authentication.
Stay alert and look out for unprompted contact via phone, email, SMS, or social media from unknown or unrecognised persons.
Always keep your card information safe.
When activating your card or logging into this site, only ever use your Card Proxy ID.
Don’t make transactions on open networks where there is no password required to access a network over WiFi. Unencrypted data can be accessed by devices nearby.
Please make sure to keep your personal details up to date on our website, so that we can confirm your identity when required.
Stay alert and look out for suspicious transactions on your account. Log in regularly and check your transaction history.
Stay alert and look out for unusual communication style like poor grammar or spelling and receiving calls from a delayed or distorted phone line.
Look for ‘https://’ at the start of the URL. This means your website is encrypted.
Don’t share your card details over the phone.
We will never ask for your card number. You must not disclose your card number to any website or person except for the purpose of making a purchase. You are liable for any loss or unauthorised transactions on your card where you have disclosed your card number other than for the purpose of making a purchase.
Please make sure that you have linked the correct phone number to your card.
Don’t provide your card number, CVV or expiry date to a website that might look like ours.